What is Mid-Century Modern?

What is Mid-Century Modern?

People ask, “Why mid-century modern?” The real question should be, “Why not?” As style and furniture trends go, no other trend has made a comeback quite like this one. A style that was once dead has come on strong in recent years because of a desire to be unique, to be modern, to be transcendent, to be trendy – in their own little way. Very few saw its potential in furniture even 10 years ago. The style itself boomed in the 40’s to 60’s because there was a desire for young families to buy homes that didn’t reflect “standard” looks. They wanted to be unique from the look of homes and furniture from the previous generation.

The aesthetically pleasing Mid-Century Modern look is what I’m in the business of buying and selling. It’s fun to shop for and it’s fun to look at. I’m a bargain hunter, restorer, and I buy high-quality furnishings and accessories. This style has grown on me for awhile and I knew about its potential even before it became a hot topic today. I want to educate people on Mid-Century Modern and show how you can implement it into your home.  

I’m Bonnie Lindesmith and I’m the owner of Bonnie’s Booth, located in Tucson, Arizona. See some of my Mid-Century Modern collections to get a better idea of what I buy and sell. 

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